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Social Media Marketing eBook PowerPoint Template, 04715, Infografiche —
Social Media Marketing eBook PowerPoint Template, Slide 2, 04715, Infografiche —
Social Media Marketing eBook PowerPoint Template, Slide 3, 04715, Infografiche —
Social Media Marketing eBook PowerPoint Template, Slide 4, 04715, Infografiche —
Social Media Marketing eBook PowerPoint Template, Slide 5, 04715, Infografiche —
Social Media Marketing eBook PowerPoint Template, Slide 6, 04715, Infografiche —
Social Media Marketing eBook PowerPoint Template, Slide 7, 04715, Infografiche —
Social Media Marketing eBook PowerPoint Template, Slide 8, 04715, Infografiche —
Social Media Marketing eBook PowerPoint Template, Slide 9, 04715, Infografiche —
Social Media Marketing eBook PowerPoint Template, Slide 10, 04715, Infografiche —
Social Media Marketing eBook PowerPoint Template, Slide 11, 04715, Infografiche —

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Social Media Marketing eBook PowerPoint Template - Modello PowerPoint

Dal 30 gennaio 2020
ID: 04715
4.5 di 5(2)
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If you are looking to publish a book on online stores, it is necessary to purchase a template for your book. The design of the template supports the business eBooks. One thing that holds a lot of people back when it comes to self-publishing is the overall design and format of the finished book. Paying for an eBook designer is expensive, so it is my goal to create simple and beautiful templates for you to create your eBook on a budget quickly.

Business eBook template for Publishers is a bright and clean ebook template that allows for large full-page photographs to accompany each book. Like all of my eBook templates, you can quickly change the color scheme and layout with just a couple of clicks. Just drag and drop your content in and you're ready to go!

This eBook Template is for you if:
• You are interested in self-publishing an eBook. It is not a Kindle-friendly template.
• Enjoy simple, drag and drop style templates
• Struggle with design and formatting
• You are attempting self-publishing for the first time, but are unsure where to begin

However, you can customize this template according to your needs. Usually, this template was designed for the people who love to publish business eBooks.

Live preview ebook on issuu:

• Pages: 16 Multipurpose
• Slides: 16 Master Slides
• File Format: PPT, PPTX, THMX
• Font: Free (Install Before Open The Files)
• Design: Bright
• Images: Drag and Drop
• Extras: Documentation and Quick Guide

Credit Images

• Microsoft Powerpoint

In The Package
• PowerPoint (PPTX,PPT, THMX)
• Pdf

Why Choose Us
You will receive a file of the template as we mentioned or defined in the description. There will complete guide with the file to use the template Altro...
Categorie: Infografiche

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