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Restaurant Food Service Menu Trifold Brochure Design Template, 21405, Food & Beverage —
Restaurant Food Service Menu Trifold Brochure Design Template, Slide 2, 21405, Food & Beverage —
Restaurant Food Service Menu Trifold Brochure Design Template, Slide 3, 21405, Food & Beverage —

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Restaurant Food Service Menu Trifold Brochure Design Template

Dal 18 agosto 2023
ID: 21405
0.0 di 5(0)
  • Opuscolo
  • 2 Pagine
  • A4 8.27 x 11.69"
  • 300 DPI
Risorsa premium

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  • Opuscolo
  • 2 Pagine
  • A4 8.27 x 11.69"
  • 300 DPI
Risorsa premium

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Restaurant Foodservice Trifold brochure design, profile, menu, food book, menu brochure,
This brochure is unique. Anyone can do this customized. This design is unique and modern.

Adobe Illustrator: AI and EPS files included.
So all files are fully editable. Also, a Help file is included.
2 page Brochure.

Template Info
Easy to change photos, a “Read Me” included.
A4 Size : 8.5”x11” (0.25 bleed)
300 DPI Resolutions
Ready to Print
Fully customizable

Free Font Used:
Alex Brush:

For any help regarding this file,
please feel free to contact me through my profile page or Email and I’ll be glad to offer support. If you have a moment,
please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much! Thank you Altro...
Categorie: Cibo & Bevande

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