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Real Estate Business Presentation Template, 09815, Lavoro —
Real Estate Business Presentation Template, Slide 2, 09815, Lavoro —
Real Estate Business Presentation Template, Slide 3, 09815, Lavoro —

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Real Estate Business Presentation Template - Modello PowerPoint

Dal 4 agosto 2021
ID: 09815
4.7 di 5(6)
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A Modern and fully Real Estate template contains milestones at which certain aspects of the project are to be completed. In addition, a comprehensive this presentation includes a list of the key participants in the endeavor and contain a detailed budget that includes a summation of anticipated costs and a time frame for specific expenditure. Big typefaces and contrast colors will allow to focus on your data and final analysis.

**Item Features:**

- Multipurpose 40 unique & creative slides
- Fully full business slides
- 16:9 aspect ratio
- Fully easy editable content
- Easy to edit colors
- 5000+ Vector Icons free
- Unlimited Themes Color
- One click to change all colors to fully fit your brandís color
- 100% Vector Objects & Icons
- Free Fonts and Icons
- All Images are not Included

**Usable Topics:**

- Who are we
- Get your dream house
- Villa stania king
- About us
- Real estate details
- Featured properties
- Meet our agents
- Our Services
- Our clients
- Break section Altro...

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