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Elegant and Minimalist White Tulips on a Sunny Yellow Background - Foto d'archivio premium

Di Ivanna
Dal 30 ottobre 2019
ID: 31078
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Simple yet striking, this photo features a bouquet of pristine white tulips placed against a bright yellow background. The minimalist composition creates a sense of harmony and tranquility, making it perfect for various design projects.
Looking for a fresh and modern floral image? This stock photo of white tulips on a yellow background could be just what you need! The bright, cheerful hues of the background create a playful contrast with the delicate beauty of the flowers, making them stand out. With plenty of negative space on the right, this photo offers lots of flexibility for adding text or graphics. Use it for spring-themed designs, wedding invitations, or social media posts promoting a happy and joyful message. Altro...
Categorie: VacanzeNatura
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