Multipurpose Website Landing Page Concept Design
ID: 23925
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If you’re creating a good-looking landing page, it helps to have an attractive product, which Indochino has covered. The Unbounce-built page above is an example of how Indochino provides not just handsome, tailored suits, but also handsome, tailored landing pages.
What’s awesome about this landing page design:
Great visuals:
If you’ve got an attractive product, show it off. We get to see Indochino’s suits modeled here—and the dynamic pose helps visitors see how suave the product looks in the context of use.
Use of space:
Just as importantly, visitors have all the information they need without a ton of scrolling. The CTA button is prominent and focused. This page’s design is simple and understated, but it gets the job done.
The header text here is in a font that looks similar to the company logo, which helps create a feeling of brand consistency. Altro...
What’s awesome about this landing page design:
Great visuals:
If you’ve got an attractive product, show it off. We get to see Indochino’s suits modeled here—and the dynamic pose helps visitors see how suave the product looks in the context of use.
Use of space:
Just as importantly, visitors have all the information they need without a ton of scrolling. The CTA button is prominent and focused. This page’s design is simple and understated, but it gets the job done.
The header text here is in a font that looks similar to the company logo, which helps create a feeling of brand consistency. Altro...
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