Multipurpose Business HTML Landing Page Template
ID: 00057
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Sblocca questo file e accedi ad altre risorse Premium
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This is a clean, modern, and professional Multipurpose HTML Template suitable for any Business, App, One Page Landing, SEO Agency, Corporate, Financial, Startups, Web Studio, Marketing, or Creative Agencies. It gives you a simple, creative, and minimal template look that is perfect for any kind of personal business. All components used in this theme are well commented, W3C validated and are well documented.
Template Features:
- Powered by Bootstrap
- Well documented codes
- Fully Responsive
- Free Google Fonts
- Owl Carousel 2
- Font Awesome Icons
- Magnific Popup
- Working Contact Form with PHP with validation
- Home Particles Effect
- W3C validated HTML and CSS code
- Cross-Browser Compatible
- Free Updates
Files Included:
- HTML Files
- CSS Files
- JS Files
- Fonts Files
- PHP Files for Contact-Form
Note: Images are only for demo purposes and are not included with the download bundle. Altro...
Template Features:
- Powered by Bootstrap
- Well documented codes
- Fully Responsive
- Free Google Fonts
- Owl Carousel 2
- Font Awesome Icons
- Magnific Popup
- Working Contact Form with PHP with validation
- Home Particles Effect
- W3C validated HTML and CSS code
- Cross-Browser Compatible
- Free Updates
Files Included:
- HTML Files
- CSS Files
- JS Files
- Fonts Files
- PHP Files for Contact-Form
Note: Images are only for demo purposes and are not included with the download bundle. Altro...
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