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Mountain Presentation Template, 06671, Modelli di lavoro —
Mountain Presentation Template, Slide 2, 06671, Modelli di lavoro —
Mountain Presentation Template, Slide 3, 06671, Modelli di lavoro —
Mountain Presentation Template, Slide 4, 06671, Modelli di lavoro —
Mountain Presentation Template, Slide 5, 06671, Modelli di lavoro —
Mountain Presentation Template, Slide 6, 06671, Modelli di lavoro —
Mountain Presentation Template, Slide 7, 06671, Modelli di lavoro —
Mountain Presentation Template, Slide 8, 06671, Modelli di lavoro —
Mountain Presentation Template, Slide 9, 06671, Modelli di lavoro —
Mountain Presentation Template, Slide 10, 06671, Modelli di lavoro —

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Mountain Presentation Template - Modello PowerPoint

Dal 8 febbraio 2020
ID: 06671
4.5 di 5(91)
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Mountain Presentation Template is a multipurpose PowerPoint template which is perfect for your business or personal use. With this presentation you will deliver dynamic and make your presentation interesting and unique. THIS IS YOUR BEST CHOICE! Get a modern PowerPoint presentation that is beautifully designed and functional. These slides come with infographic elements, charts, graphs and icons. This presentation template is so versatile that it can be used in many different businesses.

Mountain is a high quality PowerPoint presentation template, it’s already got all the thoughtfully crafted design slides, with great professional slides, creative layouts, infographics, photo galleries, subtle effects, numerous color choices, and multiple visual options, all made so you can easily customize and put these features to use in your next big presentation. Also with this animated ppt template you will deliver dynamic and make your presentation interesting and unique.

* 500 Multipurpose unique slides (total +30000)
* Master Slide Layout (Drag to Upload Image)
* 26 Color Versions in Colored & Single Color
* Light & Dark vertions
* +4000 Vector EPS Icons Included
* Custom animation for each object
* 16:9 (Widescreen) 4:3 (Normal Screen), and US Letter (Print Ready)
* Extensive use of custom placeholders and smart art
* Easily editable, animation, transitions and more...


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