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Minimal Resume Template CV With Yellow Topbar
- Riprendi modello
- 4 Pagine
- A (Letter) 8.5 x 11.0" A4 8.27 x 11.69"
- 300 DPI
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- Riprendi modello
- 4 Pagine
- A (Letter) 8.5 x 11.0" A4 8.27 x 11.69"
- 300 DPI
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Minimal Resume Template / CV With Yellow Topbar
I have made this resume design like a pro and useful for everyone to ensure that you will definitely be selected for a job interview. I also hope that if you use this resume design you must be selected as a elegant and creative mindful on Job employment. You will find all topics you needed.
- 4 Pages Resume Templates (can add or remove page if needed)
- Cover Letter
- Resume
- Portfolio
- Front cover (If you don’t want to use, you can remove this page easy)
- Free font used links
- A4 print dimension
- Easy editable, Print ready
- 300 DPI with CMYK
- Layered (PSD, INDD, EPS and Word)
- Character and Paragraph Style (INDD)
- Master Page (INDD)
- 4 file formats
- Illustrator : EPS
- Photoshop : PSD
- InDesign : INDD
- Microsoft Word : DOCX

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- Tutti gli Oggetti
- Modelli grafici
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- Minimal Resume Template CV With Yellow Topbar
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