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Loguend - Keynote Template, 09496, Lavoro —
Loguend - Keynote Template, Slide 2, 09496, Lavoro —
Loguend - Keynote Template, Slide 3, 09496, Lavoro —
Loguend - Keynote Template, Slide 4, 09496, Lavoro —

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Loguend - Keynote Template - Keynote Template

Dal 30 marzo 2021
ID: 09496
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Keynote Template - Get it now!, great presentation template for All business and personal needs like : Creative Agency, Company Profile, Company and Business, Portfolio, Photography, Pitch Deck, Startup, and can also be used for Personal Portfolios.
All elements in this template can be edited from keynote form, no need any other software, edit only in keynote, insert your content, change your images to placeholders, change colors,and present your slides to the world.

* 150+ Total Slides, with 5 Premade colors
* 30 Slides for each Template
* Used and Recommended Free Web Fonts
* 16 : 9 Screen Ratio ( 1920x1080px )
* * Slide Break Section
* 5 Color Variations
* Handcrafted Infographics in Powerpoint
* Based on Slide Master
* Pixel perfect illustration
* All Graphics are Easily editable!
* Image Placeholders, drag & drop
* Gallery and Portfolio Slides

* 5 Keynote files. KEY Files (Wide Screen)
* 5 Keynote files Color Schemes
* Readme First (Font & Photo Information)

**All images in the demo are for viewing purposes only and not actually included in the files.**

Hope you like. Thanks. Altro...
Categorie: Lavoro

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