King 3D Editable Text Effect with Background
ID: 00292
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This is Editable 3D Text Effect for Illustrator. We made this template to create text effect for web designs, headline social media promotion
like Instagram,Twitter,Facebook, Linkedin or Publication Promotion like Flyer, Poster, Magazine, Event Paper, etc. The fIle color mode is “RGB”. This is Fully Editable & Organized so that you can easily edit as your wish.
You can change text style just one click. For changing text just press T & write what you want.
-RGB Color
-Layered & Organize
-100% free Font
-Help File Included
Files Included:
-01 Ai File
-01 Eps File
-01 Jpg File
-01 Help file
-Font Download Link
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like Instagram,Twitter,Facebook, Linkedin or Publication Promotion like Flyer, Poster, Magazine, Event Paper, etc. The fIle color mode is “RGB”. This is Fully Editable & Organized so that you can easily edit as your wish.
You can change text style just one click. For changing text just press T & write what you want.
-RGB Color
-Layered & Organize
-100% free Font
-Help File Included
Files Included:
-01 Ai File
-01 Eps File
-01 Jpg File
-01 Help file
-Font Download Link
Thank you Altro...
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