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Idea - Multipurpose Business Card Template, 09033, Lavoro —
Idea - Multipurpose Business Card Template, Slide 2, 09033, Lavoro —
Idea - Multipurpose Business Card Template, Slide 3, 09033, Lavoro —
Idea - Multipurpose Business Card Template, Slide 4, 09033, Lavoro —
Idea - Multipurpose Business Card Template, Slide 5, 09033, Lavoro —

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Idea - Multipurpose Business Card Template

Dal 8 febbraio 2020
ID: 09033
0.0 di 5(0)
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We are a professional global creative team with over 15 years of experience working on high-end branding and product development in print and digital media.

Informative and stylish business card design is a perfect solution for your project or any brand identity. The editing process is easy - all you need to do is to replace the title and info with your own, change colors and images to match your brand and the work is done :)

You can use this card for professional branding, ads, calling cards, launches, events and invites.

Product features:

* 3.5x2 inch business cards
* Many color variations
* Print ready document
* The template is easy to use and customize
* Included trim and bleed guidelines

Important note: mockup and images are not included to the main file (mockup and images are used for preview only)

Thank you for your attention to our product! We hope you will enjoy using it!


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