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HappyShop - Business Card Template for E-Commerce Shop, 09004, Lavoro —
HappyShop - Business Card Template for E-Commerce Shop, Slide 2, 09004, Lavoro —
HappyShop - Business Card Template for E-Commerce Shop, Slide 3, 09004, Lavoro —
HappyShop - Business Card Template for E-Commerce Shop, Slide 4, 09004, Lavoro —
HappyShop - Business Card Template for E-Commerce Shop, Slide 5, 09004, Lavoro —
HappyShop - Business Card Template for E-Commerce Shop, Slide 6, 09004, Lavoro —
HappyShop - Business Card Template for E-Commerce Shop, Slide 7, 09004, Lavoro —

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HappyShop - Business Card Template for E-Commerce Shop

Dal 8 febbraio 2020
ID: 09004
0.0 di 5(0)
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A beautiful multipurpose business card template, perfect for your next project and any brand identity. Clean, modern and fully customizable. Ideal for personal identity, professional branding, advertising, calling cards, launches, events, invites and more.


* 3.5x2 inch business cards
* Illustrator (EPS) and Photoshop (PSD) file formats
* 4 Color variation included
* Light and dark background for front
* Super clean and professionally designed editable template
* Easy to use and to customize layered template
* Print ready document
* Include Trim and bleed guideline

This is a PRINT READY document Replace the title and info with your own, change the colors and images to match your brand.


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