Green and Yellow Abstract Shape English Course Instagram Post
ID: 21782
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Enhance your language skills with our dynamic English Course Instagram Ad banner, designed to boost your fluency and confidence online.
File Information:
Size: 1080×1080 px
Page: 1 Page
File Include: 1 Layered PSD File
Resolution: RGB (72 dpi)
Software used: Photoshop cs2 or later version.
Font Used:
Eczar ( https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Eczar )
Lora ( https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Lora )
Photo and Mockups are not included Altro...
File Information:
Size: 1080×1080 px
Page: 1 Page
File Include: 1 Layered PSD File
Resolution: RGB (72 dpi)
Software used: Photoshop cs2 or later version.
Font Used:
Eczar ( https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Eczar )
Lora ( https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Lora )
Photo and Mockups are not included Altro...
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