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Gabriel Baby Shower - Invitation Template
- Volantino
- 1 Pagine
- A (Letter) 8.5 x 11.0" 5 x 5"
- 300 DPI
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- Volantino
- 1 Pagine
- A (Letter) 8.5 x 11.0" 5 x 5"
- 300 DPI
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This Baby Shower Invitation, is a invitation card, it can also be used for design needs, posters, etc,
Simple and very elegant You can easily edit & customize each design and is perfect for parents who want to celebrate the birth of their baby.
* 2 Alternative Color
* Available for Illustrator & Photoshop
* 2 Pages Easy to Customize
* CMYK / 300 dpi
* Organized Layer
* Easy To Customizable Text & Color
* Free font used
* Invitation BOY(US A7 Card Size - 5 x 7 inch) + 0.125 Inch Bleeding
* Invitation GIRL (US A7 Card Size - 5 x 7 inch) + 0.125 Inch Bleeding
* Read me File (Font Info)
All images are used for preview purposes only and are NOT included in the download file. Altro...

Prodotti correlati
- Tutti gli Oggetti
- Modelli grafici
- Volantini
- Gabriel Baby Shower - Invitation Template
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