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Foody Food Resturant Landing Page Template, 00145, Servizio per affari —
Foody Food Resturant Landing Page Template, Slide 2, 00145, Servizio per affari —

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Foody Food Resturant Landing Page Template

Dal 2 ottobre 2021
ID: 00145
4.0 di 5(1)
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Foody is the Food & Restaurant Website Template. This Website made by html code. Foody
shows the Food & Restaurant Items. This website is the best for pizza lovers,
burger lovers, & Sandwich lovers. It is three website template. This is a chinese, burger, sea
food template. It's clean modern restaurant theme. Foody is modern bakery theme, This is best
fast food template for restaurant owners, people wants to bakery theme for their website. It
is a modern & Food Delivery website design for shop keepers, restaurant owners, Hotels owners.

Feature Of The Theme:

Fully Responsive
Latest Bootstrap
SEO Optimized
Animation on scroll effect
Cross Browser compatible
Minimal Design
Bakery Website
Restaurant Theme
All demo Images Included
Google Icons
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