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Fashion Super Sale Blowout - Flyer Template, 22518, Lavoro —
Fashion Super Sale Blowout - Flyer Template, Slide 2, 22518, Lavoro —
Fashion Super Sale Blowout - Flyer Template, Slide 3, 22518, Lavoro —
Fashion Super Sale Blowout - Flyer Template, Slide 4, 22518, Lavoro —

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Fashion Super Sale Blowout - Flyer Template

Dal 29 dicembre 2022
ID: 22518
0.0 di 5(0)
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Super Sale Blowout - Single Sided Flyer Template was designed to promote an fashion product / fashion sale / new arrival item or other advertising purposes.

Package Includes: 3 AI and 3 EPS file
- A4 Portrait (8.27 in x 11.69 in)
- Instagram Post (1080px x 1080px)
- Instagram Stories (1080 px x 1920 px)

Main Features
- Print Ready
- Help File
- CMYK 300 DPI – Print-ready
- Texts, images, and graphics are on separate layers
- Font used in Read Me file ( Free License)

Note: All Image Stocks are not included. Altro...
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