Colorful Flowers Seamless Pattern Design VOL-11
ID: 02054
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This is a Seamless Pattern Design VOL. This template contains 300 dpi RGB color mode, vector, high-quality design excellent print.
This seamless pattern is suitable for fabrics, textiles, gift wrapping, wallpaper, background, backdrop, Textiles, Pillow, Umbrellas, Bedding, Towels, Notebooks, Floor, Tiles, books Covers, Cups, T-shirts, Etc.
. Easy to edit
. RGB Color or High-resolution
. Well Organized & Easy to Layer
. Working file: Adobe Illustrator CC
Files includeded:
. 1 AI
. 1 EPS
. 1 PDF
. 5 SVG
. 5 JPEG
. 5 PNG
. Help File.
This seamless pattern is suitable for fabrics, textiles, gift wrapping, wallpaper, background, backdrop, Textiles, Pillow, Umbrellas, Bedding, Towels, Notebooks, Floor, Tiles, books Covers, Cups, T-shirts, Etc.
. Easy to edit
. RGB Color or High-resolution
. Well Organized & Easy to Layer
. Working file: Adobe Illustrator CC
Files includeded:
. 1 AI
. 1 EPS
. 1 PDF
. 5 SVG
. 5 JPEG
. 5 PNG
. Help File.
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