Collection of Seamless Geometric Golden Minimalistic Patterns Vol 10
ID: 01942
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A large collection of seamless patterns with geometric motifs. You can use them to design labels, packaging, wallpaper, textile printing … or add it to any design you make.
Included Files:
5 different abstract geometric seamless patterns.
100% vector files
100% editable and resizable
Added to swatches
Vector file can be scaled to any size without loss of resolution and you will be able to change any color or detail of this image easily.
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Stay Safe and Healthy. Altro...
Included Files:
5 different abstract geometric seamless patterns.
100% vector files
100% editable and resizable
Added to swatches
Vector file can be scaled to any size without loss of resolution and you will be able to change any color or detail of this image easily.
Don’t forget to rate it.
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Stay Safe and Healthy. Altro...
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