Clients Keynote Templates - Keynote Template
ID: 08914
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Sblocca questo file e accedi ad altre risorse Premium
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Clients Keynote Templates is perfect for your impressive style presentations and also flexible to corporate and business presentations. This Presentation Template, clean, creative, simple, unique, scalable and multipurpose. Template All elements are easily editable and customizable to your needs.
6 file Key
30 Uniqe Slide
180 Slides Total
16 : 9 Aspect Ratio
3 color schemes on white and dark background versions
Vector Icons Included In Files
Fully Editable
Charts are editable in excel
Image placeholder
Documentation & Quick Guide file
FREE FONT USE (file info)
Please install fonts before open the Presentation File
Stock Photos are not included
Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or need support. Thank you! :) Altro...
6 file Key
30 Uniqe Slide
180 Slides Total
16 : 9 Aspect Ratio
3 color schemes on white and dark background versions
Vector Icons Included In Files
Fully Editable
Charts are editable in excel
Image placeholder
Documentation & Quick Guide file
FREE FONT USE (file info)
Please install fonts before open the Presentation File
Stock Photos are not included
Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or need support. Thank you! :) Altro...
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