Christmas Day 3D Editable Text Effect
ID: 00840
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This is the Christmas Day 3d Editable Text Effect.
You can easy open the files and replace your own text freely.
I also covered a support file for downloading free font which I used to this text effect.
You can use it for print design, T-shirts, KDP Book Cover Design, websites, web banners, etc
Included Files:
* 1 Ai File
* 1 EPS File
* 1 JPG file
* 1 Help File.txt
* 100% Editable
* 300 dpi/CMYK
* Well organized
Font downlode link
If you need any help please feel free to contact me.
Thank you so much better. Altro...
You can easy open the files and replace your own text freely.
I also covered a support file for downloading free font which I used to this text effect.
You can use it for print design, T-shirts, KDP Book Cover Design, websites, web banners, etc
Included Files:
* 1 Ai File
* 1 EPS File
* 1 JPG file
* 1 Help File.txt
* 100% Editable
* 300 dpi/CMYK
* Well organized
Font downlode link
If you need any help please feel free to contact me.
Thank you so much better. Altro...
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