"Think Out OF Box" Typography T-shirts Designed Made for Screen-printing and Digital DTG Printing
ID: 02756
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Typography T-shirts designed made for screen-printing and digital (DTG) printing
Typography posters and badges can be used for labels, frame designs, t-shirts templates, book covers, quotes designs, banners, watermark typography posters, flyers, and other identity, branding materials, design proposals, marketing graphics, blog headers, and much more.
⦁ Possible and easy change color for a dark t-shirt or white T-shirt
⦁ Made with 100% vector shapes re-sizable.
⦁ Ready to print
⦁ 100% Color Changeable
Files included:
⦁ AI, EPS, PDF, SVG Formate
Typography posters and badges can be used for labels, frame designs, t-shirts templates, book covers, quotes designs, banners, watermark typography posters, flyers, and other identity, branding materials, design proposals, marketing graphics, blog headers, and much more.
⦁ Possible and easy change color for a dark t-shirt or white T-shirt
⦁ Made with 100% vector shapes re-sizable.
⦁ Ready to print
⦁ 100% Color Changeable
Files included:
⦁ AI, EPS, PDF, SVG Formate
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