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Multipurpose Corporate Flyer Template

Depuis le 16 mars 2020
ID: 08488
4.5 sur 5(2)
Ressource Premium

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Elegant business flyer templates designed exclusively for corporate, agency, marketing, event or any of use. Fully editable, image/logo can be quickly added or replaced in smart objects. Easy to edit just find and replace image in the smart object layer, then edit the text.

1. Free font used download links are included in the package
2. Image / Logo / mockup used in the preview are not included

Created using Photoshop CC 2014 with older version compatible. Take note, some features may not working properly or disable if you are using older version photoshop such as CS5 / CS4. Buyer are required to have at least basic Adobe Photoshop knowledge such as understanding layer, smart object and tools. Plus…

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