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Stages of Phase Gate Model, 10218, Modelos de negocios —
Stages of Phase Gate Model, Diapositiva 2, 10218, Modelos de negocios —
Stages of Phase Gate Model, Diapositiva 3, 10218, Modelos de negocios —

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Stages of Phase Gate Model - Plantilla de presentación gratuita para Google Slides y PowerPoint

Desde el 18 de julio de 2004
ID: 10218
4.5 de 5(153)
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Free PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

The Stages of Phase Gate Model is a free presentation template which works in Google Slides and in PowerPoint. The template represents a concept of funnel with 5 levels forming a steps, phases, or stages of phase-gate process.

The phase-gate process governs the development of new products as well as small project expansions and simple changes. It consists of a series of milestones with gates that determine if the project is ready to move forward. Each phase has its own scope, goals and activities that lead to results, as well as human resources and functional responsibilities. Each gate contains the criteria and deliverables that must be met in order for the project to move to the next stage.

The steps in the phase-gate process are as follows:
* Phase 0: Ideation or Discovery
* Phase 1: Scoping or Concept Development
* Phase 2: Building the Business Case and Plan
* Phase 3: Product Development
* Phase 4: Testing and Validation
* Phase 5: Product Launch and Marketing

Stages of Phase Gate Model is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to make an awesome project management process presentation with topics like organization's project culture, project management, etc. So download instantly and tailor it with your information, and use it to look like a presentation pro for professional and personal presentations.

Template Features:

* 100% editable and easy to modify
* 6 dark and light slides to impress your audience
* Contains easy-to-edit graphics
* Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
* 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
* Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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Categorías: Modelos de negocios

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