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Brand Strategy PowerPoint Template - Plantilla de PowerPoint
- Plantilla de PowerPoint
- 38 Diapositivas
- 16:9
- 1920x1080
- 300 DPI
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- Plantilla de PowerPoint
- 38 Diapositivas
- 16:9
- 1920x1080
- 300 DPI
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For those looking for a professional presentation, **Brand Strategy** presentation template offers a beautifully minimal design packed with a wealth of features. Built with the creative industries in mind, but can be fully customized to suit any business or industry.
* PowerPoint Template (PPTX)
* 38 Slides in Total
* 20+ Color Themes
* 4000+ Icons Pack
* 100% Editable in iMac & Windows
* 16:9 Full HD Ratio (1920x1080px)
* All Graphic Resizable & Editable
* Image Not Included
* Easy Drag & Drop to Change Picture
* Free Font Used (Link have in Help File)
* Free & Fast Support Service
We provide free real support from our skilled designer. If you need any help or inquiry about this item, please contact us.
Enjoy! Thank you. Más...
Ítem relacionados
- Todos los productos
- Plantillas de presentación
- Plantillas de PowerPoint
- Brand Strategy PowerPoint Template
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