Workplace Free Vector Illustration Template
ID: 00793
Kostenlos für den persönlichen und kommerziellen Gebrauch mit Namensnennung.
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Desktop with laptop, smartphone, cup of coffee, plant, and working documents. Concept of financial analytics or project planning.
* 100% Customizable vector elements.
* Well organized layers
The ZIP archive contains:
* JPG file
* AI file
* EPS10 file
Good for using at:
* Web ( site wallpapers, desktop, iphone, ipad, facebook covers, twitter backgrounds, youtube backgrounds, social media, banners, apps, presentations, logo’s backdrops)
* Print templates ( flyers, greeting cards, posters, collages, textures, clipart, invitations, covers)
Download Kostenlose Beispiele. Produktmerkmale.Mehr...
* 100% Customizable vector elements.
* Well organized layers
The ZIP archive contains:
* JPG file
* AI file
* EPS10 file
Good for using at:
* Web ( site wallpapers, desktop, iphone, ipad, facebook covers, twitter backgrounds, youtube backgrounds, social media, banners, apps, presentations, logo’s backdrops)
* Print templates ( flyers, greeting cards, posters, collages, textures, clipart, invitations, covers)
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