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Travels Banner For Social Media Template

Seit 19. Januar 2022
ID: 15393
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This is Innovative Social Media Travels Template, ideal for any close to home or corporate use. It's great for any Travel Agency organization project. You can alter effectively this Pamphlet, It's 100% adaptable, All articles are resizable, with no quality misfortune, removable and editable.

**Features of this Template :**

- 300 DPI resolution & CMYK/RGB color mode
- Professional and clean structured files
- Quick and easy to customize templates
- Fully editable in Photoshop
- Instruction file on how to edit the files yourself
- Well documented instructions and font file web links

**Files Included:**

- PSD File
- Help File
- Font Web links
- Files work with Adobe Photoshop

**Fonts Download:**

- Open Sans -
- Roboto -
- Lato -
- Nexa -
- Parisienne -

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