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Project Management Report Keynote Presentation Template, 04758, Präsentationsvorlagen —
Project Management Report Keynote Presentation Template, Folie 2, 04758, Präsentationsvorlagen —
Project Management Report Keynote Presentation Template, Folie 3, 04758, Präsentationsvorlagen —
Project Management Report Keynote Presentation Template, Folie 4, 04758, Präsentationsvorlagen —
Project Management Report Keynote Presentation Template, Folie 5, 04758, Präsentationsvorlagen —
Project Management Report Keynote Presentation Template, Folie 6, 04758, Präsentationsvorlagen —
Project Management Report Keynote Presentation Template, Folie 7, 04758, Präsentationsvorlagen —
Project Management Report Keynote Presentation Template, Folie 8, 04758, Präsentationsvorlagen —
Project Management Report Keynote Presentation Template, Folie 9, 04758, Präsentationsvorlagen —

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Project Management Report Keynote Presentation Template - Keynote-Vorlage

Seit 4. Februar 2020
ID: 04758
4.6 of 5(25)

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A project management report is a important document that describes a business project and the steps a team should take to complete it. The report typically contains the project plan, task and action list, the team’s responsibilities, a projected timeline, and a budget. This PowerPoint template contains various ready topics and instruments that help you to make a good project management report.


Project Details
Project Needs
Project Phases
Planning Chart
Marketing Approach
Market Share
Market Trends
Target Customer
Competitors Market Share
Competitive Advantage
Task List
Task Timeline
Hourly Action Plan
Hourly Work Schedule
Weekly Action Plan
Monthly Action Plan
Monthly Event Calendar
Yearly Action Plan
Risk Analysis
Project Pros and Cons
Delays and Causes
Change Recommendations
Project Closure Terms
Projecting Profit and Loss Statement
Price Table
Price Plans
Our Team
Our Strengths
Image Gallery
Product Mockups


Widescreen 16:9 (1920x1080) screen size
Full editable in Apple Keynote
5 Pre-made color themes
Free fonts


5 KEY (Apple Keynote) files
User Guide file Mehr...

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