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Note Book Landscape Template, 22289, Business —
Note Book Landscape Template, Folie 2, 22289, Business —
Note Book Landscape Template, Folie 3, 22289, Business —
Note Book Landscape Template, Folie 4, 22289, Business —
Note Book Landscape Template, Folie 5, 22289, Business —
Note Book Landscape Template, Folie 6, 22289, Business —

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Note Book Landscape Template

Seit 30. Januar 2023
ID: 22289
0.0 of 5(0)
  • Broschürenvorlage
  • 16 Seiten
  • A4 8.27 x 11.69" A (Letter) 8.5 x 11.0" Landscape 29 x 21"
  • 300 DPI

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  • Broschürenvorlage
  • 16 Seiten
  • A4 8.27 x 11.69" A (Letter) 8.5 x 11.0" Landscape 29 x 21"
  • 300 DPI

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**Note Book Landscape Template**


Need to create a Note Book Landscape Template document for your client?

Note Book Landscape Template allows you to simply add your logo, and images and edit your brand colors and typography and you’re good to go. Please don’t waste your time, we’ve done all the hard work for you.

Export and send to clients as a pdf, indd. Easy to replace typography and brand colors with your own.

A Clean Note Book Landscape Template is a great way to create a roadmap for your business that outlines goals and details how you plan to achieve your business goals. The template includes popular business and marketing models done in good minimal design.



- Cover
- Noot 2027
- 30 Days In a Month
- Project Descip
- Important days
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Monday
- Thursday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Weekly Plan
- Daily Plan
- Note
- Thank You


- InDesign INDD



- Master slide Layout
- 16 unique pages
- Theme color
- Full HD A4 (Landscape) Ratio
- All elements are resizable vector
- Professional, minimal, and creative design
- Used free fonts
- INDD formats

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Kategorien: Business

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