Marketing Plan Google Slides Presentation Template - Google Slides Thema
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Situation Analysis
Marketing Objectives
Market Size
Market Growth
Market Trends
Global Market
US Market with Key Segments
Europe Market with Key Segments
Unique Selling Proposition
Sales Process
Sales Strategy
Market Segment Served
S.W.O.T Analysis
Market Research
4P Marketing Strategy - Product
4P Marketing Strategy - Product Positioning
4P Marketing Strategy - Product Types
4P Marketing Strategy - Product Features
4P Marketing Strategy - Product Warranty
4P Marketing Strategy - Advertising Campaign
4P Marketing Strategy - Promotion Strategy
4P Marketing Strategy - Public Relations
4P Marketing Strategy - Promotion Channels
4P Marketing Strategy - Sales Promotion
4P Marketing Strategy - Pricing Flexibility
4P Marketing Strategy - Pricing Strategy
4P Marketing Strategy - Retail Prices
4P Marketing Strategy - Logistic
4P Marketing Strategy - Distribution Channels
4P Marketing Strategy - Order Processing
Ansoff Matrix
P.E.S.T Analysis
Gap Analysis
Porter’s Value Chain
Product Life Cycle
Strategy Pyramid
S.M.A.R.T Objectives
A.I.D.A Model
Optimal Customer
Social Groups
Customer Value Proposition
6C Customer Motivation
Marketing Expense Budget
Key Marketing Metrics
Risk Assessment
Exit Strategy
Widescreen 16:9 (1920x1080) screen size
Full editable in Google Slides - 5 Pre-made color themes
5 PPTX (Google Slides) files
User Guide
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