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Global Touch Education Presentation, Folie 8, 10548, Education & Training —
Global Touch Education Presentation, Folie 9, 10548, Education & Training —
Global Touch Education Presentation, Folie 10, 10548, Education & Training —
Global Touch Education Presentation, Folie 11, 10548, Education & Training —

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Global Touch Education Presentation - PowerPoint-Vorlage

Seit 22. November 2022
ID: 10548
4.8 of 5(5)

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**Global Touch Education Presentation**

**Minimal Design/ Global Touch Education Presentation**

Need to create a Global Touch Education Presentation template document for your client?

Global Touch Education Presentation template allows you to simply add your logo, images and edit your brand colors and typography and you’re good to go. Don’t waste your time, we’ve done all the hard work for you.
Export and send to clients as a pdf, pptx. Easy to replace typography and brand colors with your own.
Education Presentation is a classic timeless clean design, inspired by one of my favorite brands: Aesop.

We have designed this template to be as flexible as possible for a variety of clients.

- Microsoft Office: PowerPoint PPTX (Edit with PowerPoint)



- Master slide Layout
- 32 unique slides
- Theme color
- Full HD 16:9 ratio
- All elements are resizable vector
- Professional, minimal and creative design
- Used free fonts
- PPTX, formats



- Cover Page
- Welcome To Education
- About Our Philosophy
- Our Short Story
- The History
- Our Mission
- Our Vision
- Our Institution Program
- Education Program
- Our Services
- Professional Service
- How We Work
- Our Partners
- Course Category
- Our Partners
- Learning Process
- Meet Our Founder
- Our Teachers
- Creative Solution
- New Project
- Break Slides
- Gallery
- Pricing Plan
- Digital Device
- Map
- Contact Us


We provide free real support from our skilled designer. If you need any help or inquiry about this item, please contact us.

Enjoy! Thank you. Mehr...
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