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Electronic Appliance Product Business Presentation PowerPoint Template, 09197, Business —
Electronic Appliance Product Business Presentation PowerPoint Template, Folie 2, 09197, Business —
Electronic Appliance Product Business Presentation PowerPoint Template, Folie 3, 09197, Business —
Electronic Appliance Product Business Presentation PowerPoint Template, Folie 4, 09197, Business —
Electronic Appliance Product Business Presentation PowerPoint Template, Folie 5, 09197, Business —
Electronic Appliance Product Business Presentation PowerPoint Template, Folie 6, 09197, Business —
Electronic Appliance Product Business Presentation PowerPoint Template, Folie 7, 09197, Business —
Electronic Appliance Product Business Presentation PowerPoint Template, Folie 8, 09197, Business —
Electronic Appliance Product Business Presentation PowerPoint Template, Folie 9, 09197, Business —

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Electronic Appliance Product Business Presentation PowerPoint Template - PowerPoint-Vorlage

Seit 30. Januar 2020
ID: 09197
4.3 of 5(3)

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The business or promotion of the product is an art that is not possible without a good presentation. Presenting new product or business using PowerPoint slide that's the great way.

You can add and or rearrange the slides with your content. Available with good illustration can make explain for your presentation. Accessible in widescreen view display and 100% easy editable with PowerPoint programs to allow customization, i.e., with color, text, and images.

Video Preview Demo Animation Product Business Presentation Template :

- Slides 37 Unique
- Master Slides 37 (Design Based On Master Slide)
- Vector Illustration
- File Format PPTX and PPT
- Icons Free (Install Before Open The Files)
- Fonts Free (Install Before Open The Files)
- Design Light and Dark Theme
- Full Animation
- Ratio 16:9 and A4 Size Landscape
- Just Drag And Drop Images

Credit Images:
- Unsplash

- Microsoft Powerpoint

In The Package:
- PowerPoint (PPTX and PPT)
- Pdf

Why Choose Us
You will receive a file of the template as we mentioned or defined in the description. There will complete guide with the file to use the template. Mehr...
Kategorien: Business
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