Createve Business Google Slides Template - Google Slides Thema
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Presentation Features
- Creative Multipurpose
- Modern Layout
- Based Multicolor
- Based in Master Slide
- Images Placeholder
- Modern Layout Clean.
- Drag and Drop Image
- Clean, modern, multi-purpose design can be used for any type of presentation
- Professionally designed slides
- Strong focus on typography and usability
- Made very carefully with attention to detail
- Based on master slides
- Media placeholders
- Editable charts
- Predefined text styles
- Unique portfolio slides
- Vector based icons
- Easy color change
- Full HD
- Free support
All Image used : All photographs or pictures used in the preview are not included, they are intended for illustration purpose only.
For buyers Thank you for the using our presentation template. We hope that our work will help you to look presentable in front of your audience. Good luck! Mehr...
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