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Consulting Business Presentation Template - PowerPoint-Vorlage
- PowerPoint-Vorlage
- 42 Folien
- 16:9
- 1920x1080
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- PowerPoint-Vorlage
- 42 Folien
- 16:9
- 1920x1080
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We made this presentation in many formats for different types of technical and non-technical people. Choose what and how can you edit it.
- Microsoft Office: PowerPoint PPTX (Edit with PowerPoint)
- Apple iWorks: Keynote KEY (Edit with Apple Keynote)
- Online Google Slides: Google Slide (Edit online with your web browser)
Exclusive Features:
- Works on both Apple and Windows
- 42 Unique creative slides
- 16x9 FULL HD Ratio
- Theme color option
- Bonus Included: 2500+ Vector Icons as shapes
- Based on Master Slides
- Easy and Fully Editable in Presentation
- Easy Drag and Drop to change picture
- All Graphic Resizable and Editable
- Free Font Used
- More details inside of PDF Support
- Images used in the demos are NOT included. Mehr...
Verwandte Vorlagen
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- Präsentationsvorlagen
- PowerPoint-Vorlagen
- Consulting Business Presentation Template
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