Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template - PowerPoint-Vorlage
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Exclusive Features:
Works on both Apple and Windows
63+ Unique creative slides
PPTX files and 16x9 FULL HD Ratio
Theme color option (theme thmx)
Bonus Included: 3000+ Vector Icons as shapes
Based on Master Slides
Easy and Fully Editable in Powerpoint Presentation
Easy Drag and Drop to change picture
All Graphic Resizable and Editable
Free Font Used
More details inside of PDF Support
Images used in the demos are NOT included.
- Welcome
- Executive Summary
- Mission Statement
- Vision Statement
- Guiding Principles
- Problem
- Problem Definition
- Solution
- Solution Definition
- Solution Product
- Business Model Canvas
- Revenue Model
- Market Definition
- Market Size
- Market Analysis
- Go-to-Market Strategy
- Market Growth
- S.W.O.T Analysis
- P.E.S.T Analysis
- 4P Marketing Mix
- Porter’s Value Chain
- Porter's Five Forces
- PEST analysis
- BCG Matrix
- A.I.D.A Model
- Competitors
- Competitive Positioning
- Optimal Customer
- Target Social Group
- Pricing Strategy
- Distribution Channels
- Sales Forecast
- Start-Up Assets & Expenses
- Source and Use of Funds
- Projected Profit and Loss
- Projected Balance Sheet
- Management Team
- Key Team
- Our Services
- Company History
- Our Innovations
- Our Works
- Our Achievements
- Clients
- Clients Testimonials
- Our Awards
- Contacts. Mehr...
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