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Business Newsletter Template Photoshop and Word Template, 18186, Business —
Business Newsletter Template Photoshop and Word Template, Folie 2, 18186, Business —
Business Newsletter Template Photoshop and Word Template, Folie 3, 18186, Business —

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Business Newsletter Template Photoshop and Word Template

Von sistec
Seit 14. Oktober 2021
ID: 18186
5.0 of 5(1)

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Business Newsletter

This is a modern and powerful template for a Newsletter. Perfect for corporate or other business promotion

Photo not included but download link attached in the help text file.

This is not a mock-up


Size: 420x297 mm
Page: 16 Page
Resolution: 300 dpi
Color mode: CMYK
Bleed: 0.25 in
PSD files included
Working file: Photoshop cs2 and Ms Word
Files included: Photoshop cs6 (psd) and Ms Word (docx)
Font used: Font download link included in help file

Photo: you can change photo from Photo folder's can easily change photo.


If you have any questions or would like a custom designed template, please contact me, I will be happy to help you! Please recommend my artwork and leave a good review if you like it. For further request please contact us.
Kategorien: Business
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