Annual Planner Presentation PowerPoint Template - PowerPoint-Vorlage
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Sales promotion is a type of branding which aims at the target consumer and usually used to promote a new product, engage the consumer and to increase the sales numbers. The Presentation template comes with matching icons which makes it possible to insert it in your presentation and then share it with your audience whenever and wherever required. You may also access our other professionally designed slides that can meet your business requirement.
Video animation/motion graphic Annual Planning PowerPoint Templates demonstration:
Hi-res Preview Creative Annual Presentation PowerPoint 2018 creative presentation slides:
• Slides: 35 Unique
• Master Slides: 20
• File Format: PPTX, PPT, THMX
• Icons: Free (Install Before Open The Files)
• Design: Clean and Beautiful
• Animations: Yes
• Ratio: 16:9
• Option Background: Bright and Dark
• Option Color: 5
• Just Drag And Drop Images
Credit Images
Credit Artwork
• rilley
• Microsoft Powerpoint
In The Package
• PowerPoint (PPTX, PPT, THMX)
Why Choose Us
You will receive a file of the template as we mentioned or defined in the description. There will complete guide with the file to use the template. Mehr...
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