Amano - Creative Powerpoint Template - PowerPoint-Vorlage
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This is a Minimal & Simple Powerpoint template, you can edit it with anything you want and for any purpose. For example, this is suitable for Architecture, Fashion, Creative Agency, etc., All elements are editable from shapes to colors. You don't need another software to edit it, just use Powerpoint.
- 12 Files .PPTX
- 12 Files .PPT
- 3 Premade Colors Theme
- Easy to Change Colors (based on themes Color)
- Picture Placeholder (Drag & Drop)
- Dark & Light Background
- Widescreen & Standard
- Animated
- Documentation
Layout/Content List
- Cover
- Section Break
- Meet The Team
- Images Layout
- Contact Us
- Thank You Page
- and many more... Mehr...
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