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7 Phases of the Implementation Life Cycle of COBIT, 09090, Business Modelle —
7 Phases of the Implementation Life Cycle of COBIT, Folie 2, 09090, Business Modelle —

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7 Phases of the Implementation Life Cycle of COBIT - Kostenlose Präsentationsvorlage für Google Slides und PowerPoint

Seit 18. Juli 2004
ID: 09090
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Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies (COR) is a framework created by ISACA for information technology management and IT governance. There are 7 lifecycle phases of COBIT Implementation, namely:

* What are the drivers?
* What are we now?
* What do we want to be?
* What needs to be done?
* How do we get there?
* Did we get there?
* How do we keep the momentum going?

The diagram contains 3 layers or levels: Program management, Change enablement, and Continual improvement life cycle.

Template Features:

- 16:9 Ratio
- Light and Dark background
- 2 Slides with Editable Shapes
- Easy to change colors, Fully editable texts
- Standard font used

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